Saturday 10th May 2025
Cranfield University, Bedford
From US Naval Aviator to one of only three women to pilot the Space Shuttle, Susan will be speaking about her pioneering career: 20 years in the Navy paving the way for women, more than 3,000 flight hours in over 30 different aircraft and her two missions to space as pilot of the Space Shuttle Columbia.
Susan logged 472 hours in space across two missions in 1997; the aborted STS-83 Columbia mission and the re-flight on mission STS-94 Columbia. Both missions focused on micro-gravity experiments in the Microgravity Science Laboratory (MSL) which was a European Spacelab module installed in the Shuttle payload bay.
Susan will speak openly about her NASA career, serving as CAPCOM in Mission Control and her missions to space sharing images from her collection.
We have different ticket options to chose from depending on the level of interaction and event features you wish to experience.
Susan will have copies of her award winning book for sale before it's official launch in the UK and will be joined by her illustrator Becky Hardy of Arty Cosmos who will happily sign books. Be the first in the world to get your book signed in-person by both author and illustrator together!
There will be space related trade stands, memorabilia for sale and of course many social opportunities with like-minded enthusiasts throughout the event.
This is a non-profit event hosted by The Armchair Astronaut for the benefit of all our members, friends and followers, open to the general public.
Further information about this event can be found below along with extensive FAQ's. Please contact us if you have any additional questions or interest in this event.
Suitable for all ages.
All guests will require a ticket.
No concessions.
All the benefits of General Admission PLUS.....
VIP Audience starts at 6pm:
Best for adults but all ages welcome.
VIP Package Tickets are strictly limited to 40 people to preserve the intimate atmosphere of the VIP experience. No concessions.
Are you part of a space group, organisation, club, society or other group and interested in group rates?
Are you a school teacher looking to share this opportunity with your students?
Please contact us for group rates and packages.
Mitchell Hall,
Cranfield University,
College Road, Cranfield, Bedford,
MK43 0AL.
Mitchell Hall, Wharley End, Bedford, UK
We will be joined by a range of trade stands offering a selection of space memorabilia, collectables, souvenirs, space art, meteorites and more.
Additional features and guests are not guaranteed. Further details to be announced on this page and via our social media when confirmed.
Please contact us if you are interested in attending with a trade stand.
The date is approaching fast and tickets are strictly first come, first served.
Limited Capacity Event. Don't miss out!
A veteran VIP guest is any guest who has attended any 3 of our own Astronaut events having purchased a VIP Package ticket.
On your 3rd VIP event you will be presented with a unique award in recognition of your dedication and continued support.
This unique, not for sale anywhere, award was produced with the support of NASA and their official licensed contractor.
Your award will be presented to you by our Astronaut guest.
This unique award is invitation only, subject to criteria and only presented once per guest.
Additional Veteran VIP tenure awards and rewards will be announced in the future.
VIP Award 3
Please Contact Us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Our events are fully inclusive for all. Both the event and the venue are accessible. If you would like further information please contact us providing details of your requirements and we will be happy to review and respond.
You will receive email confirmation of your ticket purchase immediately after payment.
We will keep you updated via email with event information.
Tickets and Vouchers for autographs/books will be available for collection at the door or sent to you via the address provided in your order approximately 4 weeks before the event.
Tickets purchased through Eventbrite will be sent via email and exchanged for vouchers on arrival at the event.
Tickets and vouchers are not refundable.
The Armchair Astronaut will only guarantee a refund if the event is cancelled by us. Our liability in this case will be limited to the face value of your tickets and autograph/book vouchers.
The General Admission programme of events is suitable for all ages and we encourage all children to dress as Astronauts!
The VIP Package is best for adults but all ages are welcome. Parental discretion.
All guests of all ages will need a valid ticket.
We understand autographs are an important component of the event for many enthusiasts. The value of an Astronauts autograph can often exceed that of the event ticket price alone making these events excellent value for money.
The General Admission ticket will entitle you to one autograph on a photo of your choice. Our Astronaut guest will sign after the lecture, strictly one autograph per ticket. No personalisation or inscriptions. You can bring your own photo to get signed or purchase from a selection of 8x10" photos available at the event.
VIP Package ticket holders will get an additional autograph on an item of their choice after the dinner. VIP Package ticket holders may have the option to purchase additional autographs on the day (to be confirmed, subject to schedule).
Our Astronaut guest reserves the right to refuse signing some items at their discretion.
The Signed Book Voucher entitles you to a copy of their book from their own supply which will be signed for you at the event with optional personalisation if required. If you wish to bring your own copy of the book to be signed this will count as your autograph. Illustrator Beck Hardy of Arty Cosmos will be joining us and, in a world first, will be signing books alongside Susan.
Each guest will receive an autograph on an item of their choice which can include your book. This will count as your autograph. Only books pre-ordered in addition to your event ticket will be signed extra to your included autograph. Books can be pre-ordered at any time until sales end about 2 weeks before the event.
Illustrator Beck Hardy of Arty Cosmos will be joining us and, in a world first, will be signing books alongside Susan.
Due to the limited capacity of this event we can not guarantee entrance to anyone who has not pre-booked their ticket online.
Unfortunately no. Our VIP Package tickets are incredibly limited to protect the intimate atmosphere of the VIP experience and we will need to confirm final numbers for dinner several weeks before the event at which point VIP Package ticket sales will end.
Sorry, the dinner is only available with the VIP Package ticket.
You are welcome to come only for the dinner. While the photo shoot would have closed by this time we will accommodate a meet & greet photo on your own device and we will honour any signed book voucher and your General Admission autograph.
This will be confirmed nearer the event. If you have any special dietary requirements please contact us via email and provide full details of your dietary requirements/allergies.
General Admission (12:00-4:00pm)
There is no dress code and we welcome guests to wear their spacesuit costumes or space clothes as they want. Actually, we encourage all children to dress as Astronauts! This will be gratefully received by our Astronaut guest and, time permitting, we hope to plan a little extra surprise for those in costume (to be confirmed).
VIP Package (6:00-10:00pm)
Due to the same-day schedule of the dinner we understand guests will be with us all day and therefore not all will be able to change into formal dinner wear. The choice is yours. Some guests will change to formal dinner wear where some will remain as they were for the General Admission events. There is an onsite hotel if you're staying overnight and restrooms for changing if you require but it is not expected on this occasion.
Have you been a VIP ticket holder at any TWO of our previous public events listed below?
Once you attend your 3rd event with us as a VIP ticket holder we have a very special, unique, not for sale anywhere, award for you as a thank you for your dedication and support.
Additional VIP awards and rewards for subsequent VIP events will be announced in the future.
You can book a single or double occupancy room with breakfast at the event venue if required. Please book direct with the venue. Email address and reference code will be provided in our email confirming your tickets. Overnight accommodation is an optional extra and not included.
You will need to contact us and propose what you have in mind. We are always open to press/media access but this will need to be agreed by our Astronaut guest. Fees may apply.
We welcome private and corporate sponsorship deals.
We welcome people who may have exhibits they wish to display at the event. Fees may apply. Please contact us with details and we will be happy to review.
Commercial Attendance / Trade Stands
We welcome people and companies from the space sector that wish to have a commercial presence at our events. Commercial availability is extremely limited.
There is no trade stand charge but we do we require all people in your team to hold a valid entrance ticket; either General Admission to trade 12pm-4pm or VIP Package to trade 12pm-10pm. There may be a "table charge"; a minimal fee imposed by the venue, to be confirmed, but otherwise no fee from us. All we ask is that you (i) promote the event with a link via your website and regularly across your social media in the months prior to the event, and (ii) make a donation of minimum 2 items from your trade stand to the charity raffle and future fundraising.
Milton Keynes, UK June 2017
Milton Keynes, UK September 2017
All Astronaut portrait images are credited to NASA and/or ESA.
Copyright © 2024 The Armchair Astronaut - All Rights Reserved.
The Armchair Astronaut and associated logos are Registered Trademarks.